I come from a nutrition background and currently work as a Public Health Dietitian. I also have a certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language. Although I haven’t had much experience using technology in any educational context, I’m interested in exploring the area of research in education technology. In particular, I’m fascinated by the potential role of AI in language teaching and learning.

The use of emerging technologies in language education has been associated with several benefits, including increased student motivation and engagement, enhanced learning outcomes, and improved language proficiency. Based on my preliminary research, I believe that AI can play an important role in supporting language learning in many ways.

For example, one recent review provided a comprehensive overview of the current state of artificial intelligence(AI) in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context, including its benefits and challenges.

According to the study, AI technologies have been widely used to implement online EFL teaching and learning. AI can support and enhance language teaching and learning by improving students’ English proficiency and motivation and providing personalized learning experiences for students.

Personalized learning is a key area of interest in AI education, and there is growing research on how AI can be used to personalize language learning for individual students. Some potential applications include adaptive learning systems that adjust to students’ individual needs and preferences, intelligent tutoring systems that provide personalized feedback and guidance, and chatbots that can engage students in natural language conversations.


The article also discussed the importance of ethical considerations such as data privacy, transparency, and accountability when implementing AI in EFL education. The article pointed out that it is crucial to carefully consider the ethical implications of using AI in EFL education and take steps to mitigate any potential risks. For example, it is critical to ensure that student data is protected and used only for educational purposes., and that AI systems are transparent in their decision-making processes. Additionally, there may be concerns about the potential for AI to perpetuate biases or discrimination if not designed and implemented carefully.

Since the body of literature on AI and language education is growing, teachers and students can best use AI by staying informed about the latest developments in AI technologies, collaborating with AI scholars to explore new possibilities for using AI in the classroom and experimenting with different AI tools to determine which ones work best for their specific needs.


Another study investigated the influence of an artificial intelligence markup language-based LINE ChatBot in contextual English learning. The influence of the ChatBot on English learning was measured through a 4-week English conversation exercise that included both speaking and listening. Additionally, competition characteristics were added to the learning activities in the experimental group to enhance learning motivation and outcomes. The performance of both groups of students was evaluated with the help of the LINE ChatBot contextual learning environment and extrinsic motivation in both the experimental and control group was improved if they spoke anonymously. The study also used speech-to-text recognition technology to identify students’ conversations.

The main findings of the study showed that with the help of the LINE ChatBot contextual learning environment, the performance of both groups of students was slightly enhanced, but no significant differences were found. Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation in both the experimental and control group was improved if they spoke anonymously. Overall, the study suggests that the use of an Artificial Intelligence Markup Language-Based LINE ChatBot in contextual English learning can improve students’ English proficiency and motivation.

As I keep on exploring the area of research in education technology, I’m excited to see how AI will continue to evolve and support language learning in new and innovative ways.

The following are some potential research questions for my final project:


  1. How can the use of ChatBot tools be optimized by language learners to improve their proficiency in reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills?


  1. How can ChatBot technology be customized to address the unique needs and learning preferences of individual language learners, and what are the implications of this customization for language learning outcomes?



Chien, YC., Wu TT., Lai CH., & Huang YM. (2022). Investigation of the
influence of artificial intelligence markup language-based LINE
ChatBot in contextual English learning. Front. Psychol. 13:785752.

Jalbert, J. (2022).The use of technology in the ESL classroom:
A discussion. Contact Magazine,TESL Ontario. http://contact.teslontario.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Jalbert.pdf

Jiang, R. (2022). How does artificial intelligence empower EFL teaching
and learning nowadays? A review on artificial intelligence in the EFL context.
Front. Psychol. 13:1049401.



Klimova, B., Pikhart, M., Polakova, P., Cerna, M., Yayilgan, SY., & Shaikh, SA. (2023). Systematic review on the use of emerging technologies in teaching English as an applied language at the university level. Systems, 11, 42.
