Chwen's Portfolio

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EDDL 5131 – Week 5: Graphic for Educational Use

I found a graphic to support a learning outcome for one of my ESL lessons on food label reading. Although it is not a very good image, I used it mainly for practice purpose.


Learning Outcome:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify key nutrients on the Nutrition Facts table.

The image has some extraneous details that may present as a distraction, so I cropped it in a way that it shows only the Nutrition Facts Table which is the main focus of the lesson. This way it will enable learners to build a better mental representation of what a standard food label looks like in Canada. (This supports Mayer’s (2014) principle of essential process).

I used a web-based application called Photopea to trim the image. I found the application and the process very easy and straightforward.  I believed that this application will be quite useable for me in the future.

I found the graphic in Wikimedia ( The image was downloaded from Wikimedia page published with a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.


Mayer, R. E. (2014). Multimedia instruction. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. Elen, & M. J. Bishop (Eds.), Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (4th ed., pp. 385-399). Springer Science & Business Media.


EDDL 5131 – Week 5, Activity 2: Source Graphics for Educational Use

Learning Outcome:

When students have completed this lesson, they should be able to identify at least three threats of climate change to the planet.

Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

The image of the wildfires provide an example of effects of climate change. Uncontrolled wildfires can be deadly, destroying homes, and wildlife habitat, and increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. In addition, ashes destroy much of the nutrients and erode the soil, causing flooding and landslides.

Climate change affects our wellbeing and the health of our planet. It is causing severe and widespread disruption and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world.

Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash


100+ Global Warming Pictures [HD] | Download Free Images on Unsplash


EDDL 5131 – Week 4: Activity 6 – NoCoffee

I added the NoCoffee extension to my Mozilla Firefox browser and played around with the sliders for vision disability simulations. I must admit that the tool is very helpful for me to understand some of the problems faced by people with sight to extreme vision problems such as low acuity and glucoma.  Being aware of how people with visual impairments may be viewing the sites is a good start to inform the way we design our web projects.

With that in mind, I decided to look at an online resource, OLDER ADULT NUTRITION SCREENING, to see how accessible it is for individuals with visual impairments.

Below are the findings:

High Contrast Display
The website was designed with high contrast colours. Black text on a white background is easy to read and the blue subheading really stands out.

Clear Sans Serif Font
The website uses a simple to read sans serif font (Arial) which is one of the recommended fonts to use. The heading, subheading and body text are in appropriate sizes. I was also able to enlarge text by using ctrl+ shortcut on the keyboard.

Compatible with Screen Readers
The website uses proper headings which allow screen reader to figure out where the main content is.

No Popups
I noticed the website does not give a popup for email list sign up or other random information. Popups can be annoyed and hard to get rid of for individuals with visual impairments.

Overall, the use of high contrast display and clear sans serif font, the compatibility with screen readers and, the absence of popups make this website a bit more accessible for people with visual impairments.

Veroniiiica, Seven factors that make websites accessible to the visually Impaired.



EDDL-5131, Week 4, Activity 5 – Apply the WCAG Accessibility

I am always looking for recipes to use in my cooking program, especially healthy recipes from reliable sources such as Health Canada and Dietitians of Canada. I am interested in finding out  whether the Cookspiration (, a  recipe webpage, created by Dietitians of Canada, meets the four WCAG guidelines for accessibility. The overall finding is that this web page is not very accessible for a wide range of abilities and needs.

Below are my assessments of the web resource:

Perceivable – web content is made available to the senses; the users can take the information through sigh, sound, and touch

  • No audio or video is provided as an alternative to web content.


Operable – interface forms, controls, and navigation are operable. How the users navigates their way through the content, the way they interact with the 


  • Images of recipes are representative of the food products and are clearly labeled;
  • The light blue heading text colour used does not provide enough contrast;
  • The Font size used in recipe instructions is too small.


Understandable – content and interface are understandable. The content is structured in a logical predictable way and that include learning support.

  • The content is presented in a logical predictable way;
  • The recipe follows a standard format with clear, simple and understandable steps;
  • The amounts of ingredient needed are provided in both imperial and metric measurements;
  • The recipes also include learning support such as tips, nutrition and notes, and dietitian’s messages which are helpful for everyone.


Robust – content can be used reliable by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies

  • The contents can be used with iPad and Android phone;
  • Unsure if the contents interact with different types of assistive technology.

EDDL-5131 Week 4, Activity 2 – Information Architecture

I followed the guidelines for textual elements design as described in Gutierrez (2014) and Webster (2018) to maximize readaility of the moose article.

First, I read the article in its entirety, then I created some headings and subheadings to organized the content.

Second, I placed related content under the same subheading accordingly, at the same time I put them into bullet points so it is easier to read. I organized information about moose population into a table format to improve readability.

Third, I adjusted the font and sizes based on the guidelines. I also added some relevant graphics to add visual interest to the content.




The moose is a member of the New World deer subfamily and is one of the largest and heaviest animals in North America. It is common in areas such as Canada and Alaska. The moose is best known for its gigantic body size and impressive antlers.  The sighting of moose during one’s trip can be an exhilarating experience.


Some Facts about Moose

Physical Appearance

Weight: Typically weighing 360 kg (794 lb).

Height: 5 to 6.5 feet at shoulder.


  • Broad and palmate (flat) with tines (points) along the outer edge.
  • Male’s antlers grow as cylindrical beams projecting on each side of the head at right angles to the midline of the skull, and then fork.
  • The lower prong of this fork may be either simple, or divided into two or three tines, with some flattening.
  • Bull moose use dominant displays of antlers to discourage competition and will spar or fight rivals.
  • The size and growth rate of antlers is determined by diet and age; symmetry reflects health.
  • By the age of 13, moose antlers decline in size and symmetry.
  • The widest spread recorded was 210 centimeters (83 in) across.
          • An Alaskan moose also holds the record for the heaviest weight at 36 kilograms (79 lb)).



  • Have two large keratinized hooves corresponding to the third and fourth toe, with two small posterolateral dewlaps (vestigial digits), corresponding to the second and fifth toe.
  • The hoof of the fourth digit is broader than that of the third digit.
  • The inner hoof of the third digit is longer than that of the fourth digit.
  • This foot configuration may favor striding on soft ground.
  • The moose hoof splays under load, increasing surface area, which limits sinking of the moose foot into soft ground or snow, and     which  increases efficiency when swimming.


  • includes both aquatic plants and terrestrial vegetation consisting of forbs and other non-grasses, and fresh shoots from trees such as willow and birch.
  • These plants are rather low in sodium, and moose generally need to consume a good quantity of aquatic plants.
  • Aquatic plants provide the moose with its sodium requirements, and as much as half of their diet usually consists of aquatic plant life.
  • Often drawn to roadways, to lick salt that is used as a snow and ice melter in winter.
  • Needs to consume 9,770 kcal (40.9 MJ) per day to maintain its body weight.
  • Can eat up to 32 kg (71 lb) of food per day.



  • Require habitat with adequate edible plants (e.g., pond grasses, young trees and shrubs), cover from predators, and protection from extremely hot or cold weather.
  • Typically inhabit boreal forests and temperate broadleaf and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere in temperate to subarctic climates.
  • Travel among different habitats with the seasons to address survival requirements.
  • Are cold-adapted mammals with thickened skin, dense, heat-retaining coat, and a low surface:volume ratio, which provides excellent cold tolerance but poor heat tolerance.
  • Survive hot weather by accessing shade or cooling wind, or by immersion in cool water.
  • When heat-stressed, moose may fail to adequately forage in summer and may not gain adequate body fat to survive the winter.
  • Require access to both young forest for browsing and mature forest for shelter and cover.
  • Also require access to mineral licks, safe places for calving and aquatic feeding sites.
  • Select habitat on the basis of trade-offs between risk of predation, food availability, and snow depth.
  • Avoid areas with little or no snow as this increases the risk of predation by wolves and avoid areas with deep snow, as this impairs mobility.



Currently, most moose are found in Canada, Alaska, New England (with Maine having the most of the lower 48 states), Fennoscandia, Baltic states, and Russia.

Table 1. Moose Populations in Various Countries

Country Number of Moose Note
Canada 500,000 to 1,000,000
US 300,000
Finland 115,000 2009 figure
Norway 120,000
Latvia 21,000 2015 figure
Estonia 13,260
Poland 2,800
Czech Republic 50
Russia 600,000 2007 figure
Sweden 300,000–400,000 Around 100,000 are shot each fall. About 10,000 are killed in traffic accidents yearly.



  • Most common moose predators – gray wolf, bears and humans.
  • Predators for a full-grown moose: Siberian tigers, packed gray wolves, brown bears.
  • American black bears (Ursus americanus) and cougars (Puma concolor) can be significant predators of moose calves in May and June.
  • Wolverine (Gulo gulo) are most likely to eat moose as carrion but have killed moose, including adults, when the large ungulates are weakened by harsh winter conditions.
  • Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are the moose’s only known marine predator as they have been known to prey on moose swimming between islands out of North America’s Northwest Coast.



  • Not usually aggressive towards humans.
  • Can be provoked or frightened to behave with aggression.
  • May act aggressively when denied food If used to being fed by people.
  • Bull moose may be aggressive toward humans during the fall mating season due to the high hormone levels.
  • Not territorial; will usually not pursue humans if they simply run away.


EDDL 5131, Week 3, Activity 2 – Accessibility Checklist

Our school has made substantial efforts to maintain an accessible website which meets WCAG standards and AODA requirements. However, I am not aware of the existence of an accessibility checklist for teaching. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I used primarily Zoom for teaching. I developed the following accessibility checklist and tried it against a recorded Zoom session I delivered last year. There were a few things I could have done for the students to facilitate their learning, for example, I didn’t always keep in mind how people learn when creating teaching materials.

  • Turn on the Closed Captions or Automatic Captions features so the learners can see subtitles during instruction.
  • Turn on the “Mute Participants Upon Entry” option to minimize disruptions at the start of a class.
  • Always describe visual content that is showing on the screen; also explain what you are writing on the Whiteboard.
  • Tell participants how they can ask questions, i.e. via chat function, use hand-raising symbol and un-mute function. Repeat questions they written in the chat.
  • Email resource links posted in Chat after the class.
  • Consider recording your Zoom sessions so students may review them.
  • Choose materials that address learners’ needs, interests, and learning preferences.
  • Make content relevant.  Explain concepts with lots of examples.
  • Ensure to turn captions on for videos you posted for the class. Ensure transcripts are available.
  • Create material in an accessible format i.e. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint; provide both the source files and PDF files.
  • Create materials that are consistent with how people learn. When presenting information in words and pictures, avoid overloading learners with too much information.
  • Use arrows, outline, and headings to help learners organize and process information.
  • Eliminate irrelevant words and images; present complex information in chunks.
  • Provide opportunities for learners to engage in materials in different ways i.e. reading, small group discussions, internet simulations, and breakout rooms.



Microassist. Accessibility checklist: 10 critical areas to evaluate for website accessibility. Digital Accessibility Digest.

Standard University. Accessibility considerations for online teaching.

University of Washington, DO-IT. Equal Access: Universal design of instruction

Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction | DO-IT (

Yale University. Zoom accessibility best practices for Zoom meetings




EDDL 5131- Week 3, Activity 3: Integrating UDL

I taught an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course during the pandemic. Students attending this class were 15 adults with ages range from 18 – 24. There were a small number of mature students. Students enrolled in this program to build their English language skills in preparation for higher level of academic studies.  Chinese students made up the bulk of the class (~60%) with the remainder a fairly eclectic mix of Koreans, Japanese, Central & South Americans, and Middle Easterners. All students have completed Grade 12 or the equivalent, with some students achieving Bachelor or Graduate degrees from their home countries. Though students were in the general range of CLB 8 (CEFR B2), there was considerable disparity in proficiency in the various skill areas. The Latins and Middle Easterners tended to be stronger in Speaking and Listening, whereas the East Asians typically excelled in Reading and Grammar.

EDDL: 5131: Week 2 Activity 4 – OER Scavenger Hunt

In a blog post, describe two or three of the resources you found (include a link). Rate each resource for:

  • how closely it matched the topic and level you teach;
  • the quality of the resource; and
  • whether you could use the resource as is, or you would need to adapt it.
  • If you think you would need to adapt any of your resources, describe the process this might involve.

I am in awe of the amount of OER that are available for use as I was going through the collection list. After digging into some

potential sites, I managed to find the following two resources that match the topics I teach:


Resource Name Source & Link Match my Topic Quality Need for Adaptation
Video: Climate Change  



(778) Climate Change Basics (OLD) – YouTube



Yes, closely matched my topic Excellent o         This short video is a great resource to use when I teach about climate change and global warming.

o         It provides an introduction to the issue of climate change. It also offers practical solutions to help us protect our planet’s future.


o         No adaptation is needed for me.


Video: Let’s Learn English at a Grocery Store




Yes, closely matched my topic Good o       This is a short video that shows the key sessions of a grocery store. It is a great resource for ESL instructors when they teach grocery shopping.

o       I like the video because it is Canadian.

o       The presenter speaks slowly and clearly; perfect for low level of ESL learners.

o       The video gives the viewers a good idea of what a Canadian grocery store looks like. It also enhances their vocabulary.



o         I would incorporate a pointer onto the video to highlight the food items to correspond to the narration.

o         I would make the video interactive by posting quizzes or open questions for students.

Open Education Resources – Activity 3: Read and Post

Write a short portfolio post explaining your possible needs for open education resources in your teaching. Do you need something you can adapt? Something you can share by copying? Something free? What sort of content can you see yourself contributing as an open education resource?

As an ESL instructor, having the means to access a plethora of teaching resources is vitally important for me. I am so thrilled to have discovered the existence of open education resources. There are so many potential resources I could use in my teaching, for example, curricula, syllabi, assignments, tests, videos, and course materials. I need something free as the instructors do not get a budget for teaching materials. I also need something that I can just copy or adapt to meet the language proficiency levels and needs of the learners. In terms of the type of content I can contribute as open education resources, I can see myself offering course materials, student worksheets, lecture notes, lesson plans, and interactive learning activities.

About Chwen

Chwen has a background in food and nutrition. She is currently working as a Research Dietitian at McMaster University.  Chwen was involved in a number of research projects and published two studies in a peer review journal. She taught two semesters of  Community Nutrition course at Brescia University (London, Ontario) a few years ago.

Chwen is also a certified ESL instructor and has been working as an ESL supply instructor at a local school board for over a year. Chwen enjoys hiking, resistant training, traveling, and reading.

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