I am creating this testing post to see how it looks.
Just another TRU EDDL Sites site
I am creating this testing post to see how it looks.
lets see what this does
This is site is meant to provide a running start for building your ePortfolio in WordPress. If this is your first time using WordPress take a look at the How-To Guide to get started.
Once you feel comfortable, you can customize this site in many ways: adding images, changing themes, settings, etc…
All the additional example posts on this site can be deleted or changed to a draft (not visible on the main page) once you get rolling with your ePortfolio.
The first steps:
How-to section:
Getting more help and information
Take a look at the following resources:
If you have any additional questions or feedback please feel free to contact Thomas Sandhoff in Open Learning at tsandhoff@tru.ca.
This post has an embedded video from YouTube.
This is an example status update similar to other social media platforms.
“This is an example quote.”
Quote author’s name.
This post has a single image added to the content.
This post contains an image gallery.
© 2024 Chwen's Portfolio
Theme by Anders Noren — Up ↑
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