The Use of ChatBot for Language Learning and Teaching

 Annotated Bibliography

 Belda-Medina, J. & Calvo-Ferrer, JR. (2022) Using chatbots as AI conversational partners in language learning. Appl. Sci,12, 8427.

This study provides an overview of the potential benefits and challenges of using chatbots as AI conversational partners in language learning. The authors at the university of Alicante Spain conducted mixed-method research about the knowledge, level of satisfaction, and perceptions concerning chatbot integration among future educators. They find that future educators have a low knowledge of modern chatbots; female participants were more attentive to the use of inclusive design and language, and more assertive about gender stereotyping; there were positive outcomes in perceived usefulness, easiness, and attitudes toward chatbot integration but a moderate interest in using them in the near future.

Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges of using chatbots as AI conversational partners in language learning. While there are limitations to their use, incorporating chatbots into a larger language learning program has the potential to enhance student engagement with course material while providing personalized feedback to students.

Chuah, KM., Kabilan, MK., Samarhan, K. (2021)Teachers’ views on the use of chatbots to support English language teaching in a mobile environment.
iJET ‒ Vol. 16, No. 20.

This paper explores the potential of chatbots in enhancing the teaching and learning experience for ESL teachers and students. The researchers at the University Sains Malaysia collected data from teachers who were required to use chatbots as part of their mobile learning activities for about two months. Prior to designing the mobile learning tasks, the teachers were also required to use chatbots in order to identify the features available. Some example tasks were also given to teachers as guidance. In line with the study done by Belda-Medina (2022), the authors find that chatbots are seen as useful tools to support teachers. Learners can engage in conversations that highlight how specific words or phrases are used in a friendlier mode. Additionally, chatbots can provide immediate feedback and personalized learning experiences for students.  The authors note that this is in line with a previous study done by Go and Sundar, which found that human-like chatbots would increase the level of interactivity. Overall, the feedback from open-ended questions indicates a strong acceptance among teachers with regard to chatbots being their assistant in guiding learners. However, there are some limitations and challenges associated with using chatbots in a mobile environment for language learning. For example, some students may prefer face-to-face interactions with their teachers or may not have access to reliable internet connections. In conclusion, this paper provides valuable insights into how chatbots can be used as an effective tool for English language teaching in a mobile environment. While there are some limitations and challenges associated with using chatbots, they have the potential to enhance student engagement and provide personalized learning experiences. This paper is recommended for educators who are interested in incorporating technology into their teaching methods or exploring new ways to engage students in language learning activities.


 Fryer, LK. (2020) Bots for language learning now: current and future directions. Lang. Learn. Technol.24(2). 8-22.

This article reviews the promising role of chatbots in foreign language learning. The authors argue that chatbot has the potential to become useful language-learning partner.  Examples of chatbots currently being used for language-learning and how chatbots can be designed to better support language learners and potential challenges or limitations of using chatbots for language learning were discussed. One key point made in the article is that designing chatbots for specific audiences, rather than communicating with more or less any kind of user, could be a more effective approach. This is because different learners have different needs and preferences when it comes to language learning. The article also discussed Mayer’s cognitive processing principle and ways to reduce extraneous processing and three means of supporting learners in learning multimedia information. These guidelines can provide directions for enhancing the usefulness of the present chatbot technology. Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the potential of chatbots in foreign language learning.


Hong, W. (2023) The impact of ChatGPT on foreign language teaching and learning: Opportunities in education and research. J. Educ. Technol 37-45.

This article explores the impact of ChatGPT, an advanced chatbot based on OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer-3 (GPT-3) family of large language models, on foreign language teaching and learning. The authors at the University of Hong Kong discuss the potential benefits of using ChatGPT in education, such as providing a more personalized learning experience for students. They also highlight some issues and risks associated with its usage, such as concerns about the accuracy and appropriateness of its responses. The article provides a set of rudimentary design principles for chatbots for meaningfully implementing educational chatbots in language learning and detailed suggestions for future research. Overall, this article offers valuable insights into the potential opportunities and challenges associated with using advanced chatbots like ChatGPT in education. While it is clear that ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize language learning, further research is needed to fully understand its impact and address any concerns or limitations associated with its usage.


Huang, W., Hew, KF, & Fryer, LK. (2021) Chatbots for language learning—Are they really useful? A systematic review of chatbot-supported language learning. J. Comput. Assist. Learn, 11 August.

This systematic review article explores the usefulness of chatbots in language learning, with a focus on both first and second-language learning. The authors take a theoretical perspective to analyze the utility and usability of chatbots for teaching and learning purposes in language learning contexts. They identify several technological, pedagogical, and social affordances associated with chatbots in language learning, including personalized feedback, increased motivation, and enhanced communication skills. The article also discusses the challenges related to chatbot use, such as limited natural language processing capabilities and potential privacy concerns. The authors provide possible solutions to address these challenges, such as incorporating more advanced AI technologies and ensuring data privacy regulations are followed. Overall, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on chatbots for language learning. It offers valuable insights into the benefits and limitations of using chatbots in language education and provides suggestions for future research directions. This article is recommended for educators interested in incorporating technology into their language teaching practices or researchers interested in exploring the potential of chatbots for language learning.


Jeon, J.(2022) Exploring AI chatbot affordances in the EFL classroom: young learners’ experiences and perspectives, CALL, DOI:10.1080/09588221.2021.2021241.

In this article, Jeon at Seoul National University of Education highlights the potential benefits of utilizing chatbots in language classrooms, such as providing opportunities or helping to create a more anxiety-free atmosphere. He notes that little is known about learners’ actual use of chatbots during language classes or how chatbots affect their motivation to learn a language.

Jeon’s study involved 18 young learners who interacted with AI chatbots during their EFL classes. The findings indicated that students viewed the chatbots as conversational partners with whom they could engage while carrying out tasks. This perception facilitated their motivation to use them, which led to active engagement in speaking English. The students felt that the chatbots were real human-like conversation partners and could practice listening and speaking English with them. In line with Belda-Medina 2022, the study shows the potential benefits of using chatbots as AI conversational partners to enhance learning experiences for students. The author highlights the importance of creating an interactive and engaging environment for language learning, which can be achieved through the use of technology such as AI chatbots. However, it also raises questions about how effective these tools are in improving language proficiency and whether they can replace human interaction entirely. Overall, this is a well-researched article that sheds light on an emerging trend in language education. It provides valuable insights into how technology can be used to enhance learning experiences for students and encourages further research into this area.


Kasneci, E., Sessler, KS., Kiichemann, S., Bannert et at. (2023) ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. Learn Individ Differ, 103.

The article provides an insightful discussion of the opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. The authors argue that large language models have the potential to revolutionize teaching by providing teachers with a wide range of tools and resources that can assist with lesson planning, personalized content creation, differentiation and personalized instruction, assessment, and professional development. Similar to Kohnke (2023), the study also highlights some ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in education, such as potential bias in the output, the need for continuous human oversight, and the potential for misuse of large language models. The authors suggest that these challenges can be insightful in learning and education scenarios to acquaint students early on with potential societal biases and risks of AI application. Overall, this article provides a balanced perspective on the potential impact of artificial intelligence on educational technologies. It is a valuable resource for educators who are interested in exploring how AI can be used to enhance teaching and learning experiences while being mindful of its limitations and ethical implications.


Kohnke, L., Moorhouse, BL., & Zou, D. (2023) ChatGPT for language teaching and learning. Technology Review. RELC Journal. 1-14.

In this article, Kohnke et al provide a sound technology review of ChatGPT, one of the most advanced AI-powered chatbots that was released in November 2022. ChatGPT has the potential to support language teaching and learning. The authors illustrate several figures to show the types of learning tasks that teachers and learners can use. They discuss a number of drawbacks and debates related to its use. In addition, they address some important issues such as digital competencies for ethical and effective use of ChatGPT. The authors present a balanced view of the benefits and challenges of using ChatGPT, which makes their arguments more convincing. The practical strategies presented for addressing some of the challenges associated with using AI chatbots in language teaching and learning are valuable. Overall, this article is a great resource for language teachers who are interested in incorporating AI chatbots into their teaching practice. It provides a clear understanding of what ChatGPT can offer, as well as some important considerations for ethical and effective use.


Kohnke, L. (2022) A pedagogical chatbot: A supplemental language learning tool. RELC. 1-11.

Kohnke at the University of Hong Kong describes an innovative chatbot he developed to support and motivate language learners during the COVID-19 pandemic at the school. The chatbot was developed to facilitate active, out-of-class language learning to supplement in-class input. It is user-friendly, able to reach students on multiple platforms, and is accessible 24/7. In addition, the chatbot has the ability to adapt to learners’ abilities and pace.  The author provides information on the development, implementation, training, and evaluation of the chatbot. The article offers some good suggestions for teachers who are interested in developing and implementing a text-based chatbot to enhance their language teaching. Overall, this article presents an innovative approach to language learning that has the potential to enhance motivation and independent learning in students. While there are limitations to this approach (such as potential technical difficulties), this article suggests that chatbots have a promising future as supplemental language learning tools.