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Transcript – Minimizing Nutrient Losses While Cooking

Cooking vegetables doesn’t have to come at the cost of nutrient loss.

By following the three Rs, you can reduce nutrient loss while cooking your vegetables.

Reduce the amount of water used in cooking;
Reduce the cooking time; and
Reduce the surface area of the food that is exposed.

Additionally, steaming, microwaving, and, stir frying are great ways to cook vegetables quickly and retain valuable nutrients.
For root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, baking and boiling them whole or in their skins is an effective way to preserve nutrient content.

These small steps can help preserve nutrients so you can get the most out of your vegetables.

EDDL-5131 Week 12, Activity 4: Create Interactive Video

Many nutrients in foods can be altered or reduced when food is overcooked, processed or improperly stored. However, the loss of nutrients can be significantly reduced by careful handling of food when choosing, cooking and storing foods.

Learning Outcome:

By the end of this unit, students should be able to describe 3-4 strategies to minimize nutrient losses while cooking vegetables.

Learning Activity:


Watch this video Minimizing Nutrient Losses While Cooking

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the first R for nutrient preservation described in the video?
  2. What is the second R for nutrient preservation described in the video?
  3. What is the third R for nutrient preservation described in the video?
  4. Which cooking methods can minimize nutrient losses while cooking vegetables?
  5. List two additional strategies for minimizing nutrient losses in food that you come to know of.


EDDL-5131 Week 12, Activity 2: Create Interactive Text

The moose is responsible for more death in North America than any other animal.

Interactive text can be a powerful tool for enhancing teaching and learning experiences for students. Here are some ways in which interactive text can be used:
1. Provide quick reference information: Interactive text can provide additional information such as definition to students instantly, allowing them to stay motivated and focus on their learning goals.

2. Engage students: Interactive text can be used to grab students’ attention and make them more engaged in the learning process. For example, interactive questions and answers can be included within the text to encourage active participation and make learning more fun.

3. Personalize learning: Interactive text can be customized to meet the needs of individual students. For example, a student who is having difficulties with a specific concept can be directed to additional resources or given interactive exercises to help with learning.

EDDL – 5131 Week 12: Interactive Media , Activity 1: Readings

  1. In the educational context where you teach or support learning, what outcomes and associated content could be supported by interactive media?

In the context of teaching English as a Second Language, interactive media can be a useful tool for supporting a range of learning outcomes and

associated content. Below are some examples:

    1. Language acquisition, retention and recall: Interactive media can help students to learn, remember, and recall language information more effectively, such as through interactive quizzes, flashcards, or games.
    2. Communication skills: Interactive media can be used to develop communication skills, such as through interactive dialogues or online discussions.
    3. Collaboration skills: Interactive media can be used to allow students to work together on group projects or other group activities.
    4. Problem-solving skills: Interactive media can provide students with opportunities to work on problem-solving skills in a safe and engaging environment.

2. What challenges would you or your institution face in developing interactive media and integrating it into your courses?

There are several challenges that my school may face in developing interactive media and integrating it into courses:

  1. Reluctant to change: The school Administer, instructors, and students may not be open to use new technologies. They may need training and support to effectively use interactive media in their courses.
  2. Cost: The use of any high-quality interactive media can be costly. The school may be hesitant to spend the money or invest in skilled personnel to develop an interactive media.
  3. Technical expertise: The school where I work does not have the technical expertise to create and integrate interactive media into our courses. The devices we are using may not be compatible with the interactive media. There are also issues associated maintenance and updates of the interactive media.
  4. Accessibility: Students with disabilities may not be able to access the interactive media unless it is designed with accessibility in mind.



Weeks 10 & 11- Videos – Activity 4: Record a Screencast

Learning outcome:

After reviewing the short video, students will be able to outline the major functions of skeletal muscles.

Activity 1 – Video

Watch the YouTube video Skeletal Muscle and write a summary paragraph to describe the major functions of skeletal muscle.



I used Screencast-O-Matic (free version) to record my screencast. Below are the steps I followed:

  1. Download Screencast-O-Matic.
  2. Open Screencast-O-Matic and set it to full screen.
  3. Click the red circle button on the top right corner to lunch Recorder, a frame would appear on the screen. Set the frame size so it captures your whole slide.
  4. Open your PowerPoint presentation slide, make sure the slide is inside the frame.
  5. Click on the Narration button at the lower left corner, select your microphone, wait for the countdown then start doing your voiceover.
  6. You can always stop and delete the recording to start all over again if you are not happy with the quality.
  7. When finish, press done and save it to your folder.
  8. I uploaded the video to Canvas to add some background music to go along with the narration. The free version of Screencast-O-Matic does not allow you to add audio to your slides.

The video incorporated the following readings and theories I learned in this course:

 Captions: Captions describing the content on the screen is available for the students.  Students are also able o play the video repeatedly, pause, and rewind. They are able to note time-stamps for portions they want to review it again.

 Mayer’s Personalization principle: The audio narration of the video is done by a real person and not generated by the machine. Students learn better when the narration is spoken in human voice than a machine voice.

 Mayer’s Signaling Principle: A pointer is used in the video to bring the students’ attention to a specific bullet point. People learn better when cues are added that highlight the main ideas and the organization of presentation

Mayer’s Modality Principle: Deeper learning when words are presented as narration rather than as on screen text.

Generative activity principle: People learn better from a video lecture when they are asked to engage in generative learning activities during learning. Students are asked to write a summary paragraph after watching the video



Mayer, R. E., Fiorella, L., & Stull, A. (2020). Five ways to increase the effectiveness of instructional videoEducational Technology Research & Development68(3), 837–852.

Mayer, R. E. (2014). Multimedia instruction. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. Elen, & M. J. Bishop (Eds.), Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (4th ed., pp. 385-399). Springer Science & Business Media.


EDDL-5131, Weeks 10-11: Activity 1: Readings

Food insecurity is a teaching role I hope to have in the future. An affordance provided by video that would support the learning outcome of food insecurity is the ability to visually demonstrate the issue and its effects on individuals and communities. I think video is a more powerful tool to showcase this complex issue than text or static images alone. For example, a video could show the impact of food insecurity on individuals and families who suffer from malnutrition, social isolation and illness.

I think a documentary-style format would be suitable to support the learning outcome.  This format can include storytelling, expert interviews, personal narratives from individuals and families impacted by food insecurity, or even highlight particular issue such as social isolation. There are many approaches to take in producing this kind of video. Through a documentary-style approach, students can gain a better understanding of the complexity of the issue.

Weeks 10 & 11: Video, Activity 2: Find and Integrate Video Resources

Class: Adult Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) class

Title: Grocery Shopping

Level: Canadian Language Benchmark Level 3 (Beginner)

Learning Outcome: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able name 6-8 key sections of a grocery store and provide examples of foods that could be found in each of the section.

Activity 1

A) Introduce New Vocabulary (45 minutes)
 Introduce new vocabulary words (section, produce, dairy, bakery, canned goods, seafood, deli, frozen foods, and snacks) using power point presentation slides
 Show the images one by one. Say the word and ask students to repeat several times.
 Go through all the images at least twice.

B) Watch a Grocery Shopping Video


  1. watch this video of Bob the Canadian taking you through a grocery
    store at Youtube through the link below:

  1. Complete the Pictorial Grocery Aisles and Food Items Worksheets by watching the video again.
  2. Answer the following questions by recording your answers in a complete sentence and save the recording in an audio file*; upload your audio file to Google Drive link that was provided to the class.
    • Where can you find cheese?
    • Where can you find frozen pizza?
    • Where can you find vegetables and fruit?
    • Where can you find sliced meat?
    • Where can you find cakes?
    • Where can you find butter?

*Use the built-in voice recorder app in your cell phone (or smartphone) to record your audio. To use this app, simply open it and press the record button. You can then save the recording as an audio file.

  1. Submit your audio file and worksheets by the end of March.




EDDL 5131: Week 8, Activity 7: Generate and Embed a Transcript for an Audio File

Below is the transcript for the audio file – Impact of Aging on Muscles, Bones and Joints:

In this short audio clip, I like to talk about impact of aging on our muscles, bones, and joints? Let’s look at muscle first.

Skeletal muscle is the largest organ in the body. It’s a very important organ and is often referred to as an organ of longevity. Beside its obvious role in locomotion, skeletal muscle is a primary site for most of our glucose and fat metabolism and also involves in many other metabolic processes. Muscle mass is critical for health as we get older. In fact, muscle mass and strength are associated with mortality.

Unfortunately our muscle mass can start to decline in our late 30s and 40s. It decreases approximately 1% per year after the age of 30 and this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60.

When we lose our muscle, we will lose our strength and stability. It goes hand in hand, all of which can put us at an increased risk for falls. The good news is that we can build and maintain muscle mass as we move into our 40s, 60s, probably into 70s, we can still gain a little bit of muscle. We can definitely gain strength with resistance exercise.

What about our bones?
As we age, the structure of bone as well as the balance between bone resorption and bone formation change. This results in a loss of bone tissue. Loss of bone tissue means lower bone mass. If you have low bone mass, you are at higher risk of fractures from a fall or a sudden bump.
Compared to men, women do experience accelerated bone loss beyond menopause, this contributes to their higher prevalence of osteoporosis.
Joint Change
No matter how healthy we are, as we age, our joints will show some changes. They become stiffer and less flexible, and are more susceptible to damages. The cartilage that lines the joints becomes thinner and the lubricating fluid (the synovial fluid) is reduced as we age. This means that joint surfaces aren’t able to slide as smoothly over one another, and this causes discomfort. In addition, our body’s ability to repair tissues is diminished, degeneration of joints can accumulate.

So to summarize, our muscles, bones and joints undergo physiological changes as a natural part of aging, but not all these age-related problems are unavoidable. Researchers now suggest that many factors associated with ageing are due to inactivity, therefore, engaging in regular physical activity in combine with good nutrition can help normalize some aspects of age-related physical health issues.

EDDL 5131: Week 8, Activity 7: Generate and Embed a Transcript for an Audio File

Learning Outcome
After completing the activity, the students will be able to
• describe impact of aging on muscles, bones and joints.

Listen to the following audio file that discusses how aging impacts our muscles, bones, and health. Create a mind-map to summarize you learning.

Audio Player

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